although Redneck Rampage's source code is not released, and might never will be, i was messing around with running RR maps on jfSW yesterday, using redneck.grp. The maps themselves load fine, but the hardcoded textures are completely wrong. I think it's very well possible to port RR using the jfSW code, but with altered hardcoded values for the textures and maps and whatnot (it complains about a missing $ when launching without the -map option). Of course i could do this myelf, but i don't have the time for it now, so i thought i'd put it here as a suggestion. Maybe i could get to it after my exams though. The texture names are in names.h and names2.h, and it sounds to me like $ is hardcoded too.
JonoF at
Redneck Rampage was built upon Duke3D, so that would be the logical place to begin rewriting it.
Mephisto at
i also tried with jfDuke, even before jfSW, but it didnt run it, so i would actually start with SW personally. SW was also built upon Duke, but with more features added, and having those extra features wont do anything bad.
JonoF at
Mephisto said
SW was also built upon Duke, but with more features added
Incorrect. They are two very different codebases sharing only the engine, MACT, and audio libraries. The presence of CON files in the Redneck Rampage GRP ought to give that away.
Mephisto at
hmm, i always thought the con files got dropped because they werent necessary anymore. but Duke's engine cant seem to handle RR though, while SW can:
Duke Nukem 3D v1.999
Copyright (c) 1996 3D Realms Entertainment
Compiling: 'GAME.CON'.
Including: 'DEFS.CON'.
Including: 'USER.CON'.
Looks like Atomic Edition CON files.
* ERROR!(L116 USER.CON) Expecting key word, but found 'DILDOBLASERMODE'.
* ERROR!(L539 USER.CON) Exceeded sound limit of 450.
Segmentation fault
Only real problem i found so far is that i cant open any doors. The rest seems just different hardcoded values for textures and stuff to me.
JonoF at
No, CONs weren't ever there. SW and Duke were developed in parallel by people in different parts of the USA.
Shadow Warrior ignores CON files obviously, and since it doesn't use Duke's style of sector-effector, it's likely to be happy to accept the map as just a bunch of meaningless sprites. Without unpacking my RR.GRP file I suspect the L116 error is caused by an extra parameter Xatrix added to the 'gamestartup' directive, and obviously Duke's internal maximum number of sounds was increased too. I suspect that if someone were to compile Duke with these things taken into account you might get a busted-arse game out of it. It's all speculation though.
Mephisto at
i got RR to run on duke's engine now. the menu is all messed up for the same reason as SW (hardcoded textures), but it loads maps fine, and doors and item pickups work here, even sounds. its still full of bugs though. it crashes when i try to shoot my weapon (although i can pick up and switch weapons). the player keeps moving upward, like hes flying. And i'd probably need to code actions for the 17 new .con file actions.
getting it to run at all was somewhat more work than i expected, but its pretty fun tho, and i probably wont be satisfied until its playable :P
and for anyone that cares, here a screenshot:
Sgt.Phobos at
cool! i like your screenshot mephisto and i like your desktop picture of that anime girl. I never played Red Neck Rampage is it good?
Mephisto at
its pretty funny. its a lot like Duke and SW tho. shoot-the-monsters-and-find-they-key style gameplay. you'll prolly like it if you like Duke, SW, Blood, etc...
[edit:] the girl on the wallpaper is Chii from Chobits btw. If you like anime, i can recommend to watch it :)
ProAsm at
Redneck was brilliant and I have all the Cuss packs and stuff that came afterwards.
Infact my TC - Rampage Warrioir for SW was based on RR and I'm currently modifying it to run with SW, but I first have to change a lot of the code.
RedFlag at
Mephisto said
i got RR to run on duke's engine now.
Any progress?
etko at
Chii is great ;)
Mephisto at
RedFlag said
Mephisto said
i got RR to run on duke's engine now.
Any progress?
no, sorry, i've been busy with school. i'll get back on it when i have more time.
plugwash at
was names.h for redneck rampage ever released (it was for duke because build/editart used it for tile names)
if so you might wan't to try rebuilding jfduke3D or eduke32 (which is probablly the best base for a remake project) using the redneck rampage names.h. I belive that doing so may well fix the menus.
Mephisto at
Thanks for the tip, but it doenst help a lot. When replacing the names.h with rr's version, you can't compile the source because of undefined variables. I expected this, but it can't hurt to try. I was hoping they ripped duke's names, and i seem to be partly right, cause 401 names match. Maybe it helps with replacing Duke tiles with RR tiles tho.
I've been very busy lately (mostly with college stuff and work), so i didnt have much time to check into RR, but it's still on my wishlist. I think the biggest part of the job is getting all the tiles right. I had some of those done, but i accidentally deleted my custom names.h just yet (i know i shouldn't be doing anything with code when drinking whiskey, but oh well, it's too late now). I also think i'd need some custom code for the weapons and hud, but i'm hoping some of that stuff is in the .con files already, like the enemies are.
Mephisto at
whoa. dunno if it's just luck or names.h magic, but after putting all new names in the old names.h and fixing a few compiler errors, it runs loads better than last time. now i was able to walk around and kill some pigs (i spawned with a gun, yay). even all sounds seemed to magically work, and i could pick up beer, chips, whiskey and whatnot. plus i got some form of the RR hud.
however, it's not very playable yet. not all pickups seem to be there, nor enemies walking around (unless you count that one pig that attacked me), the weapons either act like duke3d or crash the game, and the menu is way messed up. also, every item-texture seems oversized, from text to pickups to hud items. this should probably be easy to fix tho.
[edit:] if you run linux and are curious on how this thing ran, you can try my executable here: . dont forget to put your redneck.grp in the same folder.
It probably needs gtk2 with cairo support tho, so it might not even work on your system (it's built on Fedora Rawhide).