I recorded the sounds using the correct sampling rates and I put the sound files in the directory where I installed Jhon F's port, and loaded the game, but the sound files will not play in the game :shock: , instead, the original sounds will play. What did I do wrong?
TylerDurden at
Did you use the right filenames and .voc-format?
DukeFAN13 at
Problem is, I created a sound on Windows sound recorder, and it does not support the .VOC format, unfortunately... Do you know of any sound recording programs that support .VOC files?
Roma Loom at
Try to google for WAV to VOC converters...
There's also another way... Duke3D supports WAV, but You have to open "USER.CON" and substitute the original SFX definition like this:
definesound FLY_BY flyby.voc -256 256 3 0 0
definesound FLY_BY flyby.wav -256 256 3 0 0
Keep in mind that Duke3D doesn't support stereo waves. You should set up SoundRec to record in monoaural format...
DukeFAN13 at
Thank y'all for helping me out! Now I have another question. In editart, which sprite number is the pic of the RPG on Duke's hand? EX: The rpg on the ground is #23
Roma Loom at
HUD RPG tiles start from #2544.
DukeFAN13 at
After I edited the RPG HUDS, I realized that when I got the RPG on level 1, the transparent purple color shows in the game, instead of the transparency, there is purple on the outside when its suposed to be transparent! :shock: :shock: What did I do wrong? I use Microsoft Paint. I don't think that program is a good for this. Maybe I might need a different paint program... Do you have any suggestions of any paint programs that are better than Microsoft Paint? Please don't suggest Neopaint or Paint Shop, because the trial expired on both of the programs.
Roma Loom at
If You put the edited pic back to tilesXXXX.art file using Editart - You should apply the 'Fill" tool (don't remember if such a tool exists in Editart) on this purple background using the last color in palette... To make sure that it will be the real transparency color... not some purple looking background but exactly the same purple in the end of Editart's palette.
If You saved the edited pic into JPG or whatever format that doesn't support alpha-channel using Paint and defined it as a texture using jfDuke DEF language system (which is preferable then importing into ART files) this won't work. You should save it as PNG or TGA... But before saving You should erase the purple background... But I'm not sure this will work in Paint... I doubt that Paint will interpret deleted purple background as an alpha channel... It works in Photoshop for certain...
You may google for GIMP - this is tough image editor like Photoshop and it's free.
DukeFAN13 at
Where is the fill tool?
Roma Loom at
Erm... Are You trying to tell me that You have no "buildhlp.txt" file in Your Duke3D folder?
All the Keys (on build and editart) could be found in that file.
From "buildhlp.txt":
F - Floodfill a region with the current color and with the current
color as a boundary.
I don't recommend You using editart - It's much faster to create a WHATEVER YOU WANT graphical file format and include it as a hi-res texture in jfDuke (using DEF language) having a 16/32 bit picture instead of 8bit(256 colors) graphics imported to some TILESXXXX.ART...
DukeFAN13 at
Where are the instructions for editing sprites & textures using Jfduke?
DukeFAN13 at
I really need to know how to do this!! Where are the instructions for editing art on Jduke :?: :?: :?:
Roma Loom at
If You mean "How to replace Duke3D original sprites and textures using DEF language" You should read "releasenotes.html" which resides in jfDuke3d archive.
DukeFAN13 at
Erm... Are You trying to tell me that You have no "buildhlp.txt" file in Your Duke3D folder?
All the Keys (on build and editart) could be found in that file.
From "buildhlp.txt":
F - Floodfill a region with the current color and with the current
color as a boundary.
Problem is, if I apply the floodfill, the RPG will get all purple, and that is not what I want. Which photo format is the best for editing sprites?
Semicharm at
Here's the basic process I use to import pics into art files:
1) Convert the texture to duke palette
2) Save the texture to gif
3) Import the gif version into editart
Then if the texture has transparency
4) Press backspace to set the color to transparent purple
5) Place the cursor over the transparent part of the texture and press c
As for the format for hires through I think that the consensus seems to be png for transparent or alpha blended sprites and non progressive jpeg for the rest.
DukeFAN13 at
Thank you very much for telling me how to get transparent purple, you just saved me weeks of discovering!!
TX at
Weeks of discovering? More like seconds of Googling. ;)