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Erm... Anyone want my maps?
- I have created a few DN3DAE Maps.
I stopped working with BUILD and I may never do mapping via BUILD again.
So like if anyone wants these maps I will give them to you and allow you to do ZANYTHING you want with them as long as you give me credit for creating the originals. YOu can modify them, DukeMAtch it out in these maps, whatever! I dont need them no-more!
Otherwise if noone wants them I dunno what I would do with them, so liike take them!
Stuff that I can give you
- 2 Finished Simple Maps (FUN!)
- 1 Not-Finished Detailed Map (Took me Quite Some Time)
- Bunch of Alphas and Betas of the Above (Useless? Maybe, Maybe Not.)
- Other Maps
Contact Me: Polyuniverse (AT) - How did you make these maps?
I used to make maps vor half life and counterstrike, with worldcraft.
But I dont like the map editor that is included with duke3d, its stupid. - You can try an alternative to the official commercial BUILD editor which is the open-source Mapster32 found here.
It is a more stable version and richer-feature version of the original code, but if you're pissed off because of it's functionality instead of it's bugs then there's nothing that will change your mind in Mapster32 and there are no other available tools apart from these. - Build stupid?
I remember switching to DCK to build Doom maps, and realising that map editing got so much easier.
Then Build came out, which actually let you see in 3D what you just built, pretty much everything I could ask for at the time.
I was much happier editing because of that.
How is that stupid? - Hes saying its stupid and hes allready asking TX for help on eduke32. Man he is a moron.
- Let's have some fun with logic : )
* Stoner Duke said: "the map editor that is included with duke3d, its stupid."
* The map editor that is included with duke3d is Build.exe
* Therefore: Build is stupid.
* According to the credits (and Build engine executables), we know that BUILD = Ken.
* Therefore: Ken is stupid.
* I'm going to go out on a limb here by postulating that Ken is not stupid.
* Therefore: Stoner Duke's original statement is invalid. i.e. pwned. - Now that makes logic... ;)
I think this thread should be closed, or am I fooling? :shock: - The editor can't compete with worldcraft, that's all
But worldcraft is a windows programm and much newer than the duke editor so that is why. - Worldcraft sucks, I can build a beter looking room in Build in a much quicker time than any one could in worldcraft,
This is an argurment that will never have a winner. But at least 99.99% of people at this fourm will say build is better than worldcraft. You stoner duke are the .01% - I gues his point is that WorldCrapt is better because it is 3d and has realtime lighting and HL2 and lololololol 3drockzorzzzzzzz.
- A map editor that eats World craft alive is CryEngine Sandbox for Far Cry. That is real time for sure. Ctrl+G and ur in your map right there and then testing it. Pity it doesnt display propley for me and its frickn annoying.